1. Boost your self-esteem
First, you need to feel confident about yourself to become assertive. Think and act positively to always feel upbeat and optimistic. Do the right thing in any situation to feel more certain about asserting nu skin 香港 yourself. Remember, your low self-esteem can lead to self-destructive behaviors and miserable life.

2. Say no firmly
Don’t hesitate to say no to pushy people. Beware of people who look to take advantage of your easy-going nature. Put your foot down and say no loudly if someone tries to ask undue favors from you. Even if you want to say no to your boss, feel free to do it, just make sure you do it correctly.

3. Enunciate clearly
Express yourself clearly to make others understand your point of view. Speak slowly and calmly to drive home your thoughts on any issue. Effective communication skills can boost your ability to assert yourself with ease. Start improving your communication skills at home in order to show them at work.

4. Practice visualization
If you are an introvert who likes to let things be, try to practice visualization to become more assertive. Imagine yourself acting authoritatively and standing for your rights. Then, go ahead and act it out confidently in public without reservations.

5. Speak up when required
In some situations you need to speak up assertively for your rights. For example, if somebody is smoking around you, don’t hesitate to ask him or her to stop immediately. Maintain your composure and do what needs to be done without undue fuss or tension.

6. Be assertive, not egoistic
Being assertive does not mean you should become egoistic. Stand up nuskin 香港 for your deserved rights without imposing yourself on others. Speak and act confidently to get the task done, without making others feel you are being unduly pushy.

7. Assertion is not aggression
If you feel exploited, it is natural to experience fear or anger, which can make you act aggressively. Take a few deep breaths to calm yourself, and then act assertively to make your opponents realize that you are not an easy target. People always listen to those who speak calmly and clearly.

8. Be calm and composed
Do not get worked up about acting assertively. Realize that you are only doing what needs to be done by speaking up for a right cause. Speak and act calmly and confidently to assert yourself nuskin with conviction. You will never become more assertive if you don’t learn how to control your emotions.

9. Stick to your principles
Don’t be too nice at the cost of sacrificing your values. Put your foot down and be firm about abiding by your ideals. Make it clear that nobody can take you for a ride, or make you act against your wishes. Sticking to your principles is essential because you should respect yourself no matter what.

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