1. Make and use flashcards.
Flashcards are designed to promote active memory recall of information. By using flashcards with a question or term on one side and the answer or definition on the other, you will force your brain to recall the necessary information. Even if you struggle a bit with a card, you will still be actively reviewing the necessary material.
One of the other reasons why flashcards are effective is that they utilize 香港大學 spaced repetition learning techniques. Spaced repetition has been proven time and time again to be one of the most effective ways of building up memory and increasing recall of information. By studying the information again and again, at spaced intervals, you will be able to recall the information faster and far more easily.
2. Revise, revise, revise!
Many students put off studying until just before the exam, with the more diligent students giving themselves a week or two prior to a test. While this may sound effective and like a good manner of planning, it’s actually an ineffective method of preparing and studying. It’s best to revise the information a little bit every day, so that you are not overwhelmed when a test (or pop quiz!) comes around.
One method of revising is to make a mind-map. This is a bit like a flowchart, in that you start with one core concept in the center, and then branch off into connected sections. This will help you to connect everything together and associate the terms with one another. When it comes time to take the exam, you will be better prepared and the key terms will jump out at you.
Read aloud to yourself and, as silly as it may seem, pretend you are Karson Choi teaching a student. Read your notes aloud, pretend you are lecturing. Do this over and over, until you no longer have to look at your notes. Once you have accomplished that, do it again.
Take one of the main concepts and turn it into a little story. Make sure you are able to explain this concept, no matter how complex it actually is, to someone who has never heard of it before. For example, if you are studying the industrial revolution, write a story that is written in such a way that it would explain that concept and events to someone who has never heard of it before. While this may sound silly and tedious, it’s an incredibly effective means of going over the information and looking at it in a new light. This, in turn, creates new associations and gives your brain a visual representation of the information, thereby making it easier to remember and recall.
Finally, come up with a keywords list. Take each of the main concepts for the subject you are studying, and reduce it into a ONE-word sub-topic. Study this list and memorize it. Incorporate it into the above methods, especially when using your flashcards. When it comes time for the exam, write down your list of keywords the moment you have that test in front of you. This will ensure you easily remember each topic and sub-topic, as well as providing a frame of reference if you get a blank during the test Victoria (Upper Kornhill) Nursery - established programme in Hong Kong since 2010. English and Chinese speaking playgroup hk staff will interact with students to create a bilingual learning atmosphere.

1. Add more colors to your life
Unfortunately, only black and white colors are predominant in winter. I believe that colors can exert a big influence on human mind and summon different emotional states. In a quite short period of time, you’ll be able to surround yourself with beautiful colors. They can either calm down or excite your brain. The cheapest way to coolfire iv 40w
add more colors to your life is to buy a colorful posy of mixed spring flowers. The scent of this miracle will quickly lift your spirits. Add more colors to your life is half a work. Nowadays modern people are so busy and overloaded with work that they become blind to many pleasant little things. Try to find at least 5 minutes every day to look around and enjoy the surroundings in wonderful spring colors.

2. Get a pet
The decision to buy a pet made my monotonous life more interesting and happier last spring. My dear talkative parrot Archie is a colorful miracle that fills my busy days with positivity. I can’t help laughing when Archie begins to sing and tell jokes. Furthermore, Archie helps me struggle with my laziness. He already knows that I’m lazybones and reminds me to do physical exercises on a regular basis. He’s like my personal trainer that inspires me to be more active and keep fit.

If active lifestyle is your priority, you should get a dog. Every morning and evening, you’ll run with your dog. My friend says that her dog is a wondrous jogging partner. What can be better than enjoying a beautiful spring morning with your true four legged friend?

3. Ride a motorcycle
If you think that extreme is your pair of shoes, then you should ride a motorcycle with your loved one or friend. I’m sure that this extreme activity will get your adrenalin pumping. Motorbike will give you the feeling of complete freedom.

There’s no need to burn rubber, because it’s very dangerous. Be sure that your partner or friend is an experienced rider. If you decide to have an extreme ride, you should forget about all fears or negative thoughts and enjoy high speed and feel like a bird in the sky. But remember safety first. High speeds are dangerous, so make sure you ride a motorcycle slowly and safely. This extremely interesting activity will impress both of you favorably and make this spring unforgettable.

4. Help you body cope with seasonal stress
Human body is a smart system that can accommodate different temperatures and weather conditions. The seasonal climate transitions usually make your body weak and dull. At the beginning of spring your body lacks vitamins and minerals that are crucially important for your health. Your task is to help your body detox and cope with stress.

There’s no need to go to the hospital and undergo a thorough DR REBORN medical examination. Regular exercises, positive mood and healthy diet will quickly regenerate your immune system and help your body adapt to seasonal changes. Don’t forget to take a digital detox as well. It will give you an opportunity to relax, satisfy your personal needs, enjoy spring and think positively.

5. New acquaintances
Nowadays many city dwellers prefer to avoid new acquaintances and communication, especially with total strangers. I think that these people are either too cautious or overwhelmed with work stress and problems. New acquaintances will help you distract from everything and see the world in bright colors.

One day you may get acquainted with the person who will turn your hectic life into a fairy tale. New people can empower you to reach and help you find your calling in life. Don’t spend your free-time cooping up in your home. Try to attend different exhibitions, personal development training courses, conferences and other places DR REBORN
where you can meet many successful and goal-oriented personalities.

6. Renew your wardrobe
Unlike men, women can’t live happily without shopping and buying new things. Wardrobe renewal has always been the best natural treatment for depression. I think that doctors should prescribe shopping to raise the spirits of depressed women.

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